Motovun, a hidden gem

Did you know that the central part of Istria is as much, or even more beautiful than the seaside part? To be honest neither were we, but a couple of years ago we decided to sacrifice one day on the beach and to re-discover this neglected part, at least among a big part of tourists, and we were astonished about its beauty. It is also the home of truffles and the best olive oil in Croatia.

We always knew about Motovun, we had even visited it when we were younger together with our parents, but then, somehow, it was wrongfully missing from our routes while spending our vacations in Istria. If I have to compare it to something, it would definitely be to Tuscany, with all these vineyards and hills.

As mentioned, Motovun is located in central Istria, well a bit more on the north-west. It was built on a hilltop, so view when you approach it is really amazing.


If you come from Galizana, you will have less than an hour, and from Porec and Umag around 40 min.

What is it famous for? Well, it is all about truffles, olive oil, wine and…about truffles. Did I mention the best truffles and olive oil in Croatia? You can find them everywhere, in more or less all restaurants, and many shops.

Motovun truffles
Motovun truffles shops

It is also famous for Motovun movie festival that takes place every summer, usually at the end of July, immediately after Pula film festival. The city is definitely the most lively then, crowded streets full of young people, movies and parties afterward. There is also a big camp organized in the foothill with shuttle buses driving up. If you would like more info about the town, you can always visit the town´s official page.

It was great coming back there to have some pasta with truffles and Malvazija wine. We have all enjoyed it, although my son preferred Pizza over truffles. He still has time to learn.