Beaches in and around Pula

Well, no question about it but there are definitely more than enough beaches in and around Pula. I have visited many bigger tourist places in Croatia, and Pula is definitely a leader when it comes to a number of beaches. There is really something for everyone´s taste. You can find rocky beaches, child approved sandy beaches, gravel beaches, pebble beaches, you name it.

In fact, there are so many of them that in this post I will just mention all of them and put some basic characteristics. In future posts, you will find details about each of them.

Short overview

Premantura, Kamenjak peninsula is a real diamond. It is number one at our list for a reason. In this area close to Pula you can find more than 30 km of amazing coast and untouched bays. This area is protected and any littering is strongly prohibited. Enjoy amazing flora and crystal clear, turquoise sea.

Premantura, Kamenjak
Premantura, Kamenjak. Source: imgur

Beach Ambrela (pronounced Umbrella) is one of the most popular and most beautiful beaches in Pula. Ambrella is a pebble beach perfect for families with children.

Ambrela Beach Pula
Ambrela Beach Pula. Source:

Beach Hawaii is one more popular beach amongst locals and tourists. I am not sure how it got its name but all locals will for sure know about it. It is again a pebble beach suitable for families with small children.

Hawaiian Cove Beach Pula
Hawaiian Cove Beach Pula. Source:

Beach Histria is as its name says located under luxury hotel Park Plaza Histria. Compared to the previous two, this one is mostly gravel beach suited for mostly younger people.

Histria Beach Pula
Histria Beach Pula. Source:

Beach Valkane, Lungomare is close to the city center and mostly made of concrete. Besides families with children, it is also suitable for older and handicapped people.

Valkane beach Pula
Valkane beach Pula. Source:

Beach Brioni is close to Ambrela which guarantees a very clean sea. As its name says, it is located near hotel Brioni. This beach is a bit rocky with many fun and sports activities.

Hotel Brioni Beach Pula
Hotel Brioni Beach Pula. Resource:

Beach Stoja is also very close to the city center, located in auto camp Stoja. Although it is a bit rocky, you can benefit from camp infrastructure and enjoy different water sports activities.

Stoja Beach Pula
Stoja Beach Pula. Resource:

Beach Gortanova Uvala, Lungomare is a very attractive beach located in the middle of Lungomare promenade. This pebble beach is suitable for families with children. It is not very big so early arrival is recommended.

Gortanova Uvala Beach Pula
Gortanova Uvala Beach Pula. Source:

Beach Vile Stinjan, Puntizela is also one beach that is located in one auto camp called Puntizela, close to Galizana. Like in Stoja, you can benefit from camp infrastructure which is very good. This gravel beach is suitable for families and older people.

Beach Vile Stinjan, Puntizela
Beach Vile Stinjan, Puntizela. Resource:

Beach Djecje igraliste, Fazana is a public pebble beach in beautiful small city Fazana next to Galizana and Pula. You can find nice restaurants and beach bars in this area. Fazana´s public beach is also suitable for all kinds of people, from families to young people.

Beach Djecje Igraliste Fazana
Beach Djecje Igraliste Fazana. Resource:

Beach Bi Val is a pebble beach located next to Fazana´s public beach. This beach is also close to Galizana. It is suitable for everyone, and it has a magnificent view on the islands of Brijuni.

Beach Bi Val Fazana
Beach Bi Val Fazana. Source:

Beach Valbandon is located in the police camp Valbandon. For a small amount, you can come directly with your car close to the beach. There are lots of shadow places which makes it perfect for families with small children.

Beach Valbandon Pula
Beach Valbandon Pula. Resource:

Beach Hidrobaza is the newest beach in Pula, again close to Galizana, with lots of investments during the last years. Further upgrades should be coming in the upcoming period, so maybe we will talk about the best beach in Pula. This gravel beach is also suitable for handicapped people.

Beach Hidrobaza Pula
Beach Hidrobaza Pula. Resource:

Beach Zlatne stijene is a beautiful beach located inside the two resorts Horizont Golden Rocks Resort and Splendid Golden Rocks Resort. The beach is rocky but it has flat areas that allow you to easily enter into the sea. It is not the best option for families with very small children.

Zlatne stijene Pula
Zlatne stijene Pula. Resource:

Sandy beach Bijeca, Medulin is every children´s paradise beach. Sea is very shallow and suitable for even parents with their babies. Sea is not the clearest like many other sandy beaches. In Medulin there are many restaurants and all sorts of different activities. You will easily spend the whole day there.

Medulin Bijeca
Medulin Bijeca. Resouce:

Enough beaches in Pula?

Well, I think the answer is clear, yes, there are many of them. Pula is successfully transforming from the port city to the tourist one. We can witness this in many measures taken when it comes to improving the overall quality of the water, to the different content offered at every beach. There is really something for everyone. Hopefully, you will have time to visit every single one of them, and if not, you will always have the next year.