Mini Gallesano

Mini Gallesano is a miniature stone replica of the city of Galizana. It represents Galizana as it once was. Giovanni Fabris had one dream, to create a miniature of Galizana and to rebuild its street Michele della Verdova. It took 1 year for this amazing person to finish his dream, from the first small stone to an amazing art piece.

Details, details, details

To create such a masterpiece was anything but simple. The miniature is full of details, and Giovanni had to be unbelievably precise and patient to do it in a way he imagined it. It all started by building his palace and ended up with the church of St. Rocco. The amount of details is amazing. Every house has unique windows, windows panes, roof tiles, and all details that make every building special. It is difficult to count how much material was spent in total. If Giovanni would have to estimate, we are talking about 50 buckets of stone, built more than 10.000 small roof tiles and 30 bags of tile glue spent.

Giovanni Fabris
Giovanni Fabris. Source GlasIstre

Giovanni calls himself a perfectionist, and he has full right to do so. “It has to be full of details and as it is, or once was, otherwise it is wrong and I would not do it” Giovanni always says. On the main square, he even built the first tap in Galizana. Sometimes it was very difficult to get all the details from the ground. He even had to climb on Church´s rooftop to have a better view on certain buildings.

Giovanni´s future plans

Although miniature is already so impressive, Giovanni has plans to expand it even further. Unfortunately, the area where miniature is placed is not big enough for everything that he would like to build. He says there are always things he could add, make it even more detailed. It also has to be regularly maintained due to the fact that miniature is placed outside. Weather conditions like moisture or heat could cause some parts to break or lose original beauty. He even had to change 5.000 roof tiles because, although fully covered, some tiles got in touch with the rain drops.

The plan is also to invest more time in electrification. Giovanni has implemented lighting in more than 40 houses so far. The city of Vodjan has donated and installed a solar panel that charges everything. Lighting is turning itself automatically as it gets darker. To see the miniature during the night is also spectacular.

Miniature stone replica of Galizana is free for everyone to see it

You can visit Mini Gallesano every day in Oltra ‘l Torcio street. It is easy to get there. Best would be to park at the soccer stadium and head to the church using the main street. After around 200 meters you should turn right in one narrow street. Unfortunately, there is wire all over the miniature to keep local cats out of it, but Giovanni promised us to come up with a better solution. Thank you Giovanni once again, and till the next visit.