Observatory Visnjan (Tican)

Did you know that observatory Visnjan (Tican) is one of the most productive observatories in the whole world? Yes, this is true, it is among twelve observatories according to the number of discovered asteroids. There are also numerous astronomic measures and discoveries of small celestial bodies that came from this amazing place.

Observatory Visnjan (Tican)
Observatory Visnjan (Tican). Source: myporec.com


The observatory was established on November 13, 1992, first as a public observatory, and later on in 2005, as an astronomical institute. When I started to read about the total numbers of asteroids discovered, I was a bit in shock. My initial thought was that this observatory discovered like dozens of asteroids. Believe it or not, till 2005. there were 1.750 different discoveries. It all happened with one 40 cm diameter telescope. Who would say there are so many asteroids waiting to be discovered. Unfortunately with the increase of non-ecological lightning and lighting pollution, it was very difficult for the observatory Visnjan (Tican) to continue with its work. In the end, observatory shut its door by the end of 2001.

Old Visnjan observatory
Old Visnjan observatory. Source: parentium.com

A new start

Luckily this successful story has a new start. In 2009. observatory continued with its scientific work at the new location in Tican, approximately 3 kilometers from Visnjan. If you ask me now it is even more beautiful. The location and nature surrounding observatory will for sure leave you breathless. On the official page of the observatory, one can see that as of 2016. there were in total 1420 asteroid and 2 comet discoveries.

Observatory Visnjan (Tican)
Observatory Visnjan (Tican) by night. Source: myporec.com

Here it is also important to mention Mr. Korado Korlevic, a Croatian astronomer. He and his team of 78 people are constantly working on new discoveries using this observatory. According to Minor Planet Center, Korado is the most productive asteroid seeker. According to this agency 1294 asteroid discoveries are purely Korado´s credit.

Korado Korlevic
Korado Korlevic. Source: tportal.hr

Observatory Visnjan (Tican) today

Observatory Visnjan (Tican) and team working there are trying hard to make astronomy popular among people, especially children. They have some really interesting workshops and lectures about our planets and the Solar system in general. It goes without saying that you will also be able to watch through different telescopes. Everyone will enjoy every second spent there, especially our youngest. If you are interested in group tours, please contact them first on info(et)astro.hr. Individual tours are possible every Thursday from June till September from 21h till 22.30h. In case of bad weather, night visits are not possible.

Visnjan observatory science camp
Visnjan observatory science camp. Source: jutarnji.hr