A bit of construction

Hi guys, here are some photos of the construction process.

UPDATE April 2020: Hey folks, we have great news. As you can see the house is finished. You canĀ“t see it on the pictures but furniture for the whole house is also inside and most of the things are already assembled. Our plan is to be there end of May to finish everything, and this is it, we are ready for the first guests.

You can see on the pictures how does it look from the outside.

UPDATE December 2019: Juhuuuuu, the end is near our friends! What seemed like mission impossible 7 months ago, now is close to dream come true.

Where we are now? Well, in December the first tiles arrived from a store, to be precise some 70 square meters or 1,5 tons. Did I mention that I had to carry everything on the first floor using an unfinished staircase? This was a good thing actually. I was so terrified that I will fall down and seriously injure myself, that I was not paying attention to the weight I had to carry.

Galizana house staircase
Staircase to heaven, or in my case, hell

As I write I received a message from our handyman that tiles inside of the house are almost ready. He has also prepared everything for a pool company which should arrive at the beginning of January to finish the pool.

We are trying hard to make everything ready as soon as possible, and as it looks now, by the end of this year it should be finished and we are ready for the season 2020 and your perfect vacation in Istria!