Self check-in

Dear guests, here are quick instructions for your self-check-in, as unfortunately, sometimes we are not able to greet you in person. Hopefully, you will forgive us, especially as we live quite far from the villa. Nevertheless, we will do everything to feel you welcome. You can reach us any time here, or on different social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. So let us start.

Location of the villa

The address of the house is Ulica Monteci 3a, 52216 Galizana. Maybe you will not see it on a map because it is a new house, but you will definitely find it. It is after all one of a kind there. We will leave the key in a check-in safe under the post box on the front fence. Code to open it you will get in a private message.

Front door

You will get 1 key. You have to be careful not to ever leave it in the door keylock from the inside when you leave the house. Please be careful and pay attention to this. If that happens, unfortunately, the only solution to get inside is to break a window. If you by any chance lose the key, our neighbor has the spare one.

When you open the main door, you need to pull it up a bit while turning the key.


Outside you will see 5 trash bins. There is a green bin for residential waste, and the other 4 for glass (black-green), plastic (yellow), paper (blue), and metal (gray-red).

In the glass and metal bin there should always be bags inside in respective colors (green and red/pink) which we will put for you. In the paper and plastic bin, bags are not needed. Please be careful to separate the waste and do not mix them otherwise the bin will not be emptied.

Below you can see the calendar of the waste collection.

Kalendar odvoza Galizana
Calendar of waste collection


You will see cameras on the house´s outside walls. They are of course turned off during the season. We keep them on during the offseason when no one is in the house.

Ground floor

In the kitchen, you will find different appliances. The coffee machine is prefilled with coffee beans. You just have to turn it on and choose a small or large portion. You need to empty from time to time water collection bin at the bottom or refill the water container in the back. In the fridge, you will find some beverages for your refreshment. Here there are also 2 air conditioning systems and 2 remotes and a TV with a remote. Please pay attention that all remotes are there before your check-out.

Every window and balcony door has a fly screen protection so keep them closed in order to keep the bugs outside.

One closet is closed because there we keep sheets and towels for future guests, and in the other one, you can find an iron station, vacuum cleaner, etc. In the ground floor you can also find fully equipped bathroom with a washing machine.


There are 3 hotspots in the house. On the ground floor, the hotspot’s names are whynotistria and whynotistria_5G. On the upper floor, the hot spot name is whynotistria_ext. The password you will get in a private message.

Big terrace

Here you can find a grill. Please use it only on the grass and not on the terrace. Certain grill accessories you can find in the outside summer kitchen element.


We have a company that is maintaining the pool and they normally come on Tuesdays and Fridays during the morning. You don´t have to do anything. They come for half an hour and leave. Of course, they do not enter the house. In the pool area, you can find 2 parasols. Please keep them closed when it gets windy, during the night or when you leave the house. The wind could lift them up and damage the fence, or even the house. You will also find an external shower here.

Upper floor

Here you will find 3 bedrooms and a master bathroom. Every room has an air conditioning system and a TV with a remote. You will also find towels, and extra sheets in the closets, if you will need them.

When you unfold additional single beds in two rooms, you need to unzip additional legs which are hidden in the mattress.

House rules

We are really proud of our guests, especially as we have never experienced any negative situations. Our guests behave in the villa like it is theirs. Our guests also adore the outside pool, and although it is maintained regularly, one should be careful not to throw anything inside that could make it dirty and disturb the high quality of the water. You will also realize that surrounding area with other villas is very quiet, and neighboring guests respect each other’s privacy. Of course, everyone likes to party once in a while, but please make sure that you lower the music after 22h. For more info, detailed house rules are available in the house.

Supermarkets, beaches, etc.

First supermarkets you can find in Vodnjan (Plodine, Konzum) or in Pula. In Galizana center (300m away) you can find everything that you need – 2 small markets, a cafe bar, and a bakery.

If you want a good pizza delivery, we recommend Tivoli. The pizza is really good and delivered quite fast.

On our blog, you can also find some useful information, like beaches in the area, places to visit, etc.

These were just the most important information that will help you from the very beginning. If you will need anything in addition, please let us know. We like our guests very much, and we want to make sure that you have the most enjoyable vacation. That is what villa “Why not Istria?” is all about.